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The Best Way to Get Maternal Serum Screening Test in Gurgaon

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Parenting is something that a large number of people dream about. There is something really important, interesting, and engaging about it. Almost everyone loves being a parent. But the process to become a mother, in particular, is not much simply because you have to take care of many things at once. Being irresponsible and failing to consider even the tiniest factors might result in serious consequences. That is why you have to take proper care throughout this period. And you would be able to do that with the help of several tests. Talking of the crucial tests during that time, maternal screening falls under the category of the most important ones. We are going to talk a lot about this test. Apart from that, we will suggest the name where you would be able to get the best maternal screening test in Gurgaon. Let us get started with it without much delay.

What is the need for a Maternal test?

First, we would like to discuss what this test is all about. It is also called a maternal serum screening test. This is a test to detect some of the critical defects that might be forming in the unborn baby. Taking a closer look at the growth and development of the unborn baby is really important. And maternal screening test is quite helpful in getting precise information about that. If you ask about the way this test is done, you should know that it works like a blood test but only for pregnant women.

This test is usually performed in around the 10th week. It is also performed between 14th and 20th week. You will get more information about it from your doctor. When done at around the 10th week, the maternal screening test is combined with an ultrasound. In the majority of cases, it is done to check the following defects in the unborn baby:

  • Neural tube defect
  • Down Syndrome,
  • Edward Syndrome

These defects are quite severe if left unattended. Neural tube defect affects the overall growth of the baby’s brain. There are several defects in this category. Some of the defects are highly dangerous as they disable the baby in many ways. In some cases, babies with certain neural tube defects are unable to control the lower parts of their bodies.

Down syndrome affects the intellectual ability of babies in many ways. The effects of this syndrome include physical defects with sight, hearing, etc. This unusual syndrome occurs because babies have three copies of chromosome 21 instead of two.

On the other hand, Edward Syndrome causes several physical problems like a deficiency in growth, defects in the heart, and digestive system, etc. When the babies have three copies of chromosome 18 instead of two, they usually have this syndrome. The test is performed more like a blood test where the blood sample is collected from the pregnant women and it is tested for certain parameters in order to come to necessary conclusions.

How to get it done the best way?

There are several options available in the market that you might consider for this test. MDRC India offers the best way in many ways. They offer the most modern form of maternal screening test that is called the Non-Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT). NIPT is able to predict the possibility of abnormalities in the chromosomes of the baby. The sample for this test is collected after the 10th week because that is the time when the important DNAs start flowing in the mother’s blood. The process is non-invasive meaning it can’t harm the baby in any way.

Book an online appointment for a Non-Invasive Prenatal Test at Modern Diagnostic & Research Centre, one of the best NIPT labs in Gurgaon.


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