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Immune system and its disorder

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Immune system of any person is their body’s defence mechanism to protect itself from germs and other foreign agents or invaders like bacteria, virus and fungi, it also helps to heal the injuries and recovery from a disease. Immune system is like a network which functions between cells, tissues and organs with white blood cell, proteins and chemicals to keep your body safe from germs and other micro-organisms that can be a threat to your health. These part of your body works together to destroy the any unwanted micro-organisms that may enter in your body. Immune not only kills the germs but also help in recovery process from a disease and helps your body heal from infections or injuries.

Ways in which immune system works -

After the briefing about immune system, you may be curious about how immune system works for your body. So, let’s look into it -

•    A proper functioning immune system can differentiate between the cells that belong to your body that do not impose any kind of threat to your health and the cell which enter from your surroundings, able to re-generate at high speed that can cause a serious health issue.
•    After detecting the germs, immune system activates itself kills the germs, bacteria, viruses and fungi that may cause a disease or infection.
•    Once immune system gets rid of all the foreign invaders (germs and other micro-organisms) it ends the attack.
•    After detecting the germs, immune system learns about that specific foreign cell and develops antibodies against them.
•    These antibodies will protect you from that germ cells in future and do not allow them to enter your body.

Here is a point to keep in mind sometimes your immune system does not work properly which resulted in its insufficiency to kill the germs and micro-organisms or too strong response that leads to allergies as well.
This arises two cases of weak immune system and an overreactive strong immune system - 

Weak immune systems - There are many different reasons for a weak immune system. A weak immune system can make you vulnerable to infection and many health related issues. Sometimes a weak immune system can also lead you to conditions like type 2 diabetes or cancer in the later stage of your life. 

Overactive immune system - 

This is also a concern that sometimes your immune system may launch a strong response to foreign cells or your own cell. In this condition, it may attack the cells of your own body which do not impose any threat or keep on attacking the cells or any organ even after destroying the germ cell. The overactive immune system can cause an autoimmune disorder or allergies.

Organs and parts that make up the immune system - 

White blood cells - there are different kind of WBC in your body which have specific jobs of connecting the organs and protecting them by killing any bacteria or virus cells in your body.

Antibodies - antibodies are the protein initiate and mobilize to kill the germs inside your body.

Cytokines- these are the proteins that works like a messenger and inform your immune cells the specific site to destroy the germs and bacteria.

Complement system - a group of proteins that co-operate with other cells to defend against the foreign cells and promote the healing process after an injury.

Lymph nodes - lymph nodes are small bean shaped organs which spread across your body and their job is to filter out the waste material from the fluid that drains from tissues and cells.

Spleen - spleen stores the WBC and filters blood, recycle the old cells to make new cells.

Tonsils and adenoids- tonsils and adenoids are located in throat and nasal passage of your body, it catches the bacteria and germs which tries to enter through your mouth and nose.

Thymus - a small organ helps to mature a special kind of white blood cells called T-cells.

Bone marrow - this is fatty tissue present inside your bones. It makes blood cells which you need to survive and produces WBC for your immune as well.

Skin and mucosa - these are the outer most layers that help to keep the foreign cells outside of your system.

Conditions and disorder of the immune system - 

  • Allergies
  • Auto-immune disorder
  • Primary immunodeficiency disease
  • Infectious disease
  • Cancer
  • sepsis

Signs and symptoms of immune system disorder - 

  • Fatigue
  • Sudden fever
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Itchy skin
  • Sore muscles
  • Rashes
  • Hair loss
  • Swollen lymph nodes

Auto-nuclear antibodies test in Gurgaon:

As we discussed above when your immune system does not work properly it can lead to allergies and autoimmune disorder. Auto-nuclear antibodies test is used to diagnose an autoimmune disorder. In such cases, for some unknown reason your immune system starts attacking and destroying the health cells or tissues of your body.

Antibodies are proteins produced by white blood cells to kill the foreign cells that may enter your body and keep your body safe for a long time. Sometimes, these antibodies become overactive and start destroying your own cells such antibodies are called auto-antibodies. The conditions in which antibodies start attacking the nucleus of the cells which stores DNA and destroy it are called auto-nuclear antibodies.

In ANA tests blood sample on slide is kept under specific microscope to look for the auto-nuclear antibodies cells. Modern Diagnostic labs in Gurgaon is giving the accurate results for ANA test for decades. If you have symptoms of autoimmune disorder, we suggest you to book an appointment at modern diagnostic lab near you in Gurgaon.

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