Women have a very complex anatomical body system due to which they are vulnerable to various health issues. Sociological elements and hormonal developments can make it worse with age and make your body develop many illnesses. So, regular health checkups are highly recommended to avoid such problems and detect early signs and symptoms. This way, you can avoid hefty expenses for treatments shortly.
Basic Health Checkups After 30
Here are some of the crucial tests you should get as you age and reach your thirties to ensure good health. You may want to start getting these tests done earlier if you have some symptoms and risk factors like a family history of any disease.
5 Important Tests Every Woman Needs after their Thirties
1. Pap Test and Pelvic Test
With the Pap test or Pap smear test, your doctor can test the cervical cells to know whether you are at risk of cervical cancer, which can be treated successfully in the early stages. On the other side, a pelvic test keeps track of reproductive health by testing organs like ovaries, vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix, and vulva.
Apart from regular pelvic tests, pap smears should be done once in 3 years after 21 years. If someone in your family has cancer, or you have symptoms like cysts, vaginal bleeding, or STDs, you should go for these tests more often.
2. Thyroid Test
There are two critical hormones developed by the thyroid gland to control metabolism in your body – Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4). Metabolism can affect your body's functions and slow down due to the lower levels of thyroid hormone levels. This condition is known as hypothyroidism. It causes dry skin, fatigue, and weight gain. On the other side, an overactive thyroid can increase heart rate, cause weight loss, anxiety, and breathing problems. This condition is known as hyperthyroidism.
Overactive or underactive thyroid affects women more than men. So, it is essential to get a thyroid test done to ensure that you have normal thyroid hormone levels. These symptoms could also signal aging or other common ailments. But you should still ask your doctor before going for pathology services in Gurgaon.
3. Mammogram
It is an important test to ensure that you don’t have breast cancer. In this test, x-ray imaging is done by squeezing the breast between two plates. This form of cancer is most widespread in India with women above 30 years old. The time many women realize that they have breast cancer is too late. A mammogram can save lives with early diagnosis. So, doctors can treat breast cancer before it develops further. Women should go for this test once in two years from 45 to 50 years. If you have a family history of this form of cancer, you should start getting this test even earlier. Ask your doctor to know the health risks.
4. Lipid Panel
Lipid Panel tests can be recommended for both men and women. It is vital to scan for your triglyceride and cholesterol levels. You might be vulnerable to heart disease as high cholesterol can block arteries. In addition, there are no symptoms of high cholesterol levels. A lipid panel test is the only way to detect any signs of it.
Everyone should get this test once in five years from 20 years. If you have risk factors like diabetes or obesity or someone in your family had heart disease, you should go for this test more often. Ask your doctor about when you should go for this test.
5. Test Your Blood Pressure
Your blood pressure can indicate various health problems. Lifestyle and hormonal factors like stress, menopause, and pregnancy-related complications in women can lead to a spike in blood pressure. So, you should test your blood pressure regularly to diagnose and prevent heart disease at the onset.
You should regularly go for an annual checkup if you have normal blood pressure. You may need to go for tests more frequently if reading is too low or too high. Further tests are also recommended if you suffer from heart disease, diabetes, kidney issues, or other problems.
Bottom Line
Along with the tests given above, you should also keep your blood sugar in check regularly and look out for any skin changes like moles, new or unusual warts, etc. Post-menopausal women should also remain careful as they may have osteoporosis or fragile bones with aging.
As you age, you should contact your doctor. It is imperative as it allows you to discuss your health issues and treat them properly. Despite your age, you need to be careful and aware of the signs that your body gives.
Book an online appointment for clinical pathology tests for women at MDRC India, one of the best pathology labs in Gurgaon.